Degencierge Current Student Council
Your favorite indentured servant is back once again to ask for your vote. If you are not familiar with our initiative check us out on twitter @Degencierge. Our goal is to provide a helping hand to the new and potential holder. I aim to provide that same service within the DAOO as a council member.
From the Ape's mouth Why I want to be on the Student Council
The last term was pretty uneventful. However, this upcoming term is going to be huge. We have elders, V2, and a new rewards system to look forward to. This will bring new eyes and holders by the boatload. I would like the opportunity to continue to serve to relay these details to the new guy in the best way possible...degen to degen. Has the new users welcome gotten better? Absolutely but it can be much better.
A few questions we have What do you think about....
- What do you love most about the Degeniverse?
I bought into the degens before I bought my way into the academy. I've made friends I speak to daily and some irl. The art is pretty ok too :D
- What skillset or experience do you have that sets you apart from other candidates, and how do you plan to utilize it for the benefit of the community?
Patience. I have the patience of a one armed mountain climber. Members show their enthusiasm in different ways. Sometimes that is not necessarily in a positive way. I have a knack for meeting them where they're at.
- What would a successful 120 day term look like to you, i.e. what do you hope the council will be able to accomplish?
The council and our needs for it are changing. Spearheading community initiatives, providing a welcoming experience for new holders, and assisting DLI in the most efficient ways possible are musts for us these next 120 days.
View All The Other Candidates
Keep reading to learn more about the other Degens running for this thing.